Alright, continuing on with these themes of summer and food, as has been the focus of our last posts, today I want mesh the two together and talk about the old fashion summertime outdoor barbecues which are very much a part of the summertime fun and imagery of those long days of summer north of the 49th.
Ok, first, as many may already know, BBQing can basically be accomplished in two ways:
1.) via the old gas BBQ, more conviniente for those backyard or deck gathering with friends;

2.) via the fire pit, usually more common when camping out.

Now no matter what route you take, what is most important to remember is that a good ol' fashion BBQ not only brings together good food, that is often also accompanied with plenty of great drinks, it is also about camaraderie and being with good friends and family. Sticking to the food, however, I think we can all agree that pretty much everything tastes great over an open flame - meat, fish, vegetables and lets not forget these things below:
Yes, that's right yummy marchmallows roasting on an open fire, a culinary delight that is vertually unknown here in Portugal. In fact, if anyone knowns where good chunky marchmallows can be purchased here, leave a comment.
Now although BBQing may have certain ritualistic elements symbolic of the Canadian summer, in the same vain that Canada is a multicultural haven, so is BBQing synonymous with multiculturalism: Greek souvlaki, Chinese BBQ pork, Brazilian picanha or maminha, the abundancy of German sausages, and the list goes on. Of course we cannot forget the Portuguese in Canada and their passion for a BBQ - bifanas, chicken, sardines, and so on and so forth. Seldom is a gathering of Portuguese communities in Canada in the summer BBQ-less.
Good ol' typically Portuguese community BBQ in Canada
One of the most interesting features of these Portuguese community BBQs, however, are the BBQ instruments themselves - the often homemade oil barrel sawed in half BBQ that is then put on wheels and is ready to travel.
Portuguese BBQ-on-wheels with built-in chicken rotisserie ready to feed hundreds
Well it's only natural that I should be hungry now and it's certainly not a soup or salad that I'm hankering down for. I'm off to eat and if you BBQ, BBQ safely and enjoy!