Wednesday, October 06, 2010

The NHL season starts tomorrow

In Canada a true sign that Winter has arrived is that of hockey season kicking off. That season starts tomorrow and for folks like Gabriel (Go Leafs!) and myself (Go Canucks!), it's that time of year when we are brought closer to that quintessential element that defines Canada more so then anything else - ice hockey.

As has been the case for the last number of seasons, the NHL once again gets underway right here in Europe, mind you nowhere close to Portugal. From tomorrow until Sunday (Oct. 7th -10th) the cities of Helsinki, Stockholm and Prague will host back-to-back games. This is the closest we'll probably ever get to having the NHL anywhere close to us, but hey, as long as we have ESPN America showing us games on a regular basis, we can be happy with that.

But anyway here's what we would like to do. We would like to get the people out there who drop by our blog from time to time to tell us how their team (if you have one) is going to pan out this year. Will Toronto make the playoffs? Will Montreal be a playoff surprise like last year? Will the Sedins drive the Canucks all the way to the Cup? Or maybe Edmonton will revisit the days of Gretzky. We can't forget Calgary and Ottawa, maybe they'll pull something off.

Let us know. Leave a comment.

1 comment:

  1. If I were a betting man, I'd bet that the Leafs are going to go on an unprecedented 75 game winning streak in the regular season (starting next game, of course), and win the Cup handily.

    This year is going to be our year!

    Luckily I'm not a betting man. Hopefully it goes better than last year.

    Though I'm going to have to set up a system to record the game so I can watch them at decent hours. I wouldn't last a week at work if I stayed up watching the games...
